Purple Day® is the Global Day for epilepsy awareness and is celebrated annually on March 26.

Get Involved with the Epilepsy Association!

PURPLE DAY IS Tuesday, MARCH 26, 2024

  • Order our Purple Family Starter Kit that is designed to serve as a beacon of support, containing several purple items that not only symbolize hope and strength but also serve as conversation starters to encourage dialogue around epilepsy. You will receive the following purple items: sunglasses (2), pom poms (2), purple beads (4), headbands (2), hand clappers (3), leis (4), ribbon pins (4), beanie hat (2), and an 8''x12'' bag.

  • Terminal Tower will be lit the color purple on March 26!

  • Request our awareness stickers to wear or pass out on Purple Day

  • Download and color one of these coloring pages. Send in your completed coloring page to njohnson@epilepsyinfo.org for a chance to have it shared on social media.

  • Educational/school based programs like school in-service education, health fairs and distribution of Epilepsy Awareness stickers and marketing materials. If you would like to host one of these events:

  • Corporate awareness efforts like donation-based jeans days, bake sales, penny wars etc. If you would like to host one of these events:

We’d love your support at these events and by organizing fundraisers at schools, offices, and in the community. If you are interested in hosting one, please contact us! Make sure to keep an eye out for more information about our Purple Your Year™ Campaign as dates and plans develop.

Thanks to Terminal Tower for being lit Purple for Purple Day®
Photo Credit @TowerLightsCLE